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VENDO TODOS MIS EQUIPOS POR CAMBIO DE PAISMiér 24 Jul 2024, 1:55 pmhuntertreasure
Tesoro en Macoyahui, Álamos, Sonora.Miér 24 Jul 2024, 1:54 pmhuntertreasure
COMPRAMOS ORO Lun 22 Jul 2024, 10:32 pmJose Antonio Agraz Sandov
FORMANDO GRUPO COMARCA LAGUNERAMar 09 Jul 2024, 9:06 amfredy
FABRICACION DE MI DETECTOR LRLLun 08 Jul 2024, 12:01 pmjesus rivera
Oferta de financiamiento/préstamo de proyectosVie 28 Jun 2024, 2:12 ammedallion5
Tesoros encontrados en Guanajuato Mar 25 Jun 2024, 11:13 amJose Antonio Agraz Sandov
*lingotes de oro*Sáb 22 Jun 2024, 11:34 pmJose Antonio Agraz Sandov
ESTRATEGIA: el supertunning de un pinpointer (aumentar su alcance)Mar 28 Mayo 2024, 8:11 pmJose Antonio Agraz Sandov
LA RUTA DE HIDALGO (APROVECHANDO EL BICENTENARIO)Mar 21 Mayo 2024, 11:15 amJose Antonio Agraz Sandov
LIBRO "EL TESORO DE MOCTEZUMA SE ASOMA"Sáb 04 Mayo 2024, 12:57 pmJose Antonio Agraz Sandov
Detectores mexicanosSáb 04 Mayo 2024, 12:23 pmJose Antonio Agraz Sandov
historia de horno de hierro fundidoVie 26 Abr 2024, 9:45 amjesustorres
Detector 3d 501 metal locator parecido al tm-600Mar 23 Abr 2024, 3:59 pmJose Antonio Agraz Sandov
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la pasion desde niñoLun 22 Abr 2024, 10:12 pmJose Antonio Agraz Sandov
Compañeros para salir a detectar en el bajioDom 21 Abr 2024, 2:39 pmrobertodf
40 cargas de reales y 5 cargas mas en oro.... 2 cargas mas Vie 05 Abr 2024, 5:16 pmraymundo anguiano t
como fabricar bobima con carbon y cuarzoVie 05 Abr 2024, 12:39 pmHUNTER DEERE
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Tesoro de Maximiliano descubierto en México en el año 1898Lun 01 Abr 2024, 7:26 pmJose Antonio Agraz Sandov
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jaime a.
jaime a.
Experto del Foro
Experto del Foro
Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 376
Edad : 64
Localización : cuahutemoc
Fecha de inscripción : 23/04/2008
Puntos : 6336

pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Empty pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay

Miér 17 Mar 2010, 11:55 am

Más grande de Alaska, pepitas de oro

detectores que uso
filter king plus mfd.
geminis 3
bounty hunter
master hunter garret
locator ghost
jaime a.
jaime a.
Experto del Foro
Experto del Foro
Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 376
Edad : 64
Localización : cuahutemoc
Fecha de inscripción : 23/04/2008
Puntos : 6336

pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Empty Re: pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay

Miér 17 Mar 2010, 11:59 am
Lo siento amigos no pude poner las fotos, mas tarde lo hago

detectores que uso
filter king plus mfd.
geminis 3
bounty hunter
master hunter garret
locator ghost
jaime a.
jaime a.
Experto del Foro
Experto del Foro
Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 376
Edad : 64
Localización : cuahutemoc
Fecha de inscripción : 23/04/2008
Puntos : 6336

pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Empty Re: pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay

Miér 17 Mar 2010, 12:19 pm

por favor entrar aqui,si alguno puede poner las fotos son interesantes.
su amigo JAime Acosta Ochoa (batopilas1)

detectores que uso
filter king plus mfd.
geminis 3
bounty hunter
master hunter garret
locator ghost
Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 2996
Edad : 51
Localización : Jalisco (ajaaaaiii)
Frase Célebre : Es mas facil encontrar las moronas que el Queso.
Fecha de inscripción : 14/03/2008
Puntos : 12087

pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Empty Re: pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay

Miér 17 Mar 2010, 1:22 pm
Alaska's Largest Gold Nuggets - The Top 20
Click on images for larger pictures
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug01_small#1 The Alaska Centennial Nugget - 294.10 Troy Ounces
The largest gold nugget ever found in
Alaska. It was found near Ruby, Alaska in 1998 by miner Barry Clay as
he operated his bulldozer. The nugget rolled off the pile of dirt ahead
of the bulldozer blade. This nugget was sold and the current location is
Photo Copyright 2001 by Marshall Ronne, Jr.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug02_small#2 The Anvil Nugget -
182 Troy Ounces
This nugget was found on Anvil Creek near Nome,
Alaska in 1903 by the Pioneer Mining Company. For almost 100 years it
stood as the largest nugget found in Alaska, until the nugget above was
found in 1998. The status of this nugget is unknown.
Colorized from
original b&w photo by Dobbs
Photo not yet
#3 Gold Nugget -
146 Troy Ounces
Found on the Hammond River near Wiseman, Alaska. The
status of this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#4 Gold Nugget -
137 Troy Ounces
Found on the Hammond River near Wiseman, Alaska. The
status of this nugget is unknown.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Bignug_small#5
The Ganes Nugget
- 122 Troy Ounces
Found on
Ganes Creek near
McGrath, Alaska in 1985 by Warren Magnuson's son Lloyd Magnuson while
commercial mining. This nugget is now owned by the Wiltz family.
Photo not yet
#6 Gold Nugget -
107 Troy Ounces
Found on Anvil Creek near Nome, Alaska. The status of
this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#7 Gold Nugget -
97 Troy Ounces
Found on Anvil Creek near Nome, Alaska. The status of
this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#8 Gold Nugget -
95 Troy Ounces
Found on Anvil Creek near Nome, Alaska. The status of
this nugget is unknown.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug09_small#9
The Heart of Gold
- 92 Troy Ounces
Found on
Glacier Creek near Kantishna, Alaska in August 1984 by Mic Martinek.
This nugget is still owned by Mr. Martinek and resides in a bank vault.
Photo not yet
#10 Gold Nugget -
84 Troy Ounces
Found on Anvil Creek near Nome, Alaska. The status of
this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#11 Gold Nugget -
81 Troy Ounces
Found on Fairbanks Creek near Tolovana, Alaska. The
status of this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#12 Gold Nugget -
73 Troy Ounces
Found on Dome Creek near Tolovana, Alaska. The status
of this nugget is unknown.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug13_small#13 Prospector's Dream - 62.5 Troy Ounces
According to Dollie Magnuson Nelson,
daughter of Warren Magnuson, this nugget was found on Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 1985 by Warren Magnuson and his son Ben. The nugget was found
while mining on a bench deposit. It's name is "Prospectors Dream" and
that season, the nugget and 1 troy ounce of gold was all that was found.
Dollie believes the Smithsonian owns it now. It was found in the same
area as - #5 The Ganes Nugget.
Photo not yet
#14 Gold Nugget -
61 Troy Ounces
Found on the Hammond River near Wiseman, Alaska. The
status of this nugget is unknown.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug15_small#15 The Jack Wade Nugget - 56.75 Troy Ounces
Found on Wade Creek near Chicken,
Alaska in August 1983 by the Jack Wade Gold Company.
This nugget is still owned by the Jack Wade Gold Company.
Photo not yet
#16 Gold Nugget -
56 Troy Ounces
Found on Dome Creek near Tolovana, Alaska. The status
of this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#17 Gold Nugget -
55 Troy Ounces
Found on the Hammond River near Wiseman, Alaska. The
status of this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#18 Gold Nugget -
52 Troy Ounces
Found on Lucky Gulch, a tributary of Valdez Creek,
near Denali, Alaska. The status of this nugget is unknown.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug21_small#19
Gold Nugget
- 46 Troy Ounces
Found on Long
Creek near Ruby, Alaska. This nearly solid gold nugget is currently on
display in the Wells Fargo Bank at Helena, Montana.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug19_small#20 The Silverado Nugget - 42 Troy Ounces
Found on Mary's Bench (Nolan Creek) near
Wiseman, Alaska in 1994 by Silverado
Gold Mines Ltd
. This nugget was sold to a collector in 2000 for
$50,000.00, according to Garry Anselmo, head of Silverado Gold Mines
Ltd. The nugget is now in Spain.
To see what kind of place produces large nuggets in
Alaska see the Ganes Creek

Nuggets Found in Alaska by Non-Commercial Operators
Click on images for larger pictures

is a list of nuggets found in Alaska by people not engaged in
commercial gold mining. If you have found or know of a nugget over 1
ounce found by an individual in Alaska not engaged in commercial mining,
please let us know at webmaster@akmining.com.
We'd like to add them to our list.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Sb1_small
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Sb2_small
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Burris_small
33.85 Ounces
Found June 16, 2004 at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska by Steve Burris of Idaho with a Fisher Gold Bug 2. The nugget was
found in an area where many others had detected, but all the previous
detectorists had missed the nugget. This may be the largest gold nugget
ever found in Alaska by a non-commercial operator. If anyone knows
otherwise, please let us know.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay 32oz_small32.2 Ounces
Found June
17, 2009 at Moore
near McGrath, Alaska by Ken Pitcher of Alaska with a Minelab
GPX-4500. The nugget was found in a tailing pile next to camp being
flattened out over time for metal detecting. The nugget was a bare
whisper and was found at a measured depth of 25 inches.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Ran2s_small

pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Davegary_small

"The NAC Nugget" Found by Dave Rankin at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2004 with a White's MXT metal detector. The nugget was found
at the end of the runway immediately after some bulldozer work was done
to lengthen the runway. This work was demanded by Northern Air Cargo
(NAC) to accommodate a landing by one of their cargo planes, so Dave
credits them with being a reason the nugget was found.
8 Ounces
Dave's nugget had a fresh
break on one end. A few weeks after Dave found the nugget, Gary Cox
located the other piece weighing just over 8 ounces. The nugget was
unfortunately broken when the bulldozer ran over it. The total weight
before it was broken was over 28 ounces.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugherbert_small8 Ounces
Found by Gale
Herbertson at Paradise
in 2000 with a Minelab Explorer XS metal detector.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nuglong_small7.65 Ounces
Found on
Granite Creek near McGrath with a metal detector. This nugget is
currently owned by Scott Long of Omaha, Nebraska.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugbob3_small5.81 Ounces
"The Goldfinger Nugget" Found
by Bob Estey at Ganes Creek
near McGrath, Alaska in 2002 with a White's V/SAT metal detector. Bob
found this nugget the same day he found the 5.62 ounce "Heartthrob"
nugget below!
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugrankin_small5.63 Ounces
Found by Dave Rankin at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2002 with a Fisher Gold Bug 2 metal detector. Dave went days
without finding any gold, and then located this nugget.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugbert_small5.6 Ounces
Found by
Bert Rattner of New York at Paradise Valley in the
1991. Bert saw the nugget resting on a rock in the water, the verified
it was gold with his Fisher 1266-X.
Photo by Jack Satkoski
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Landberg_small5.5 Ounces
Found by
Gordie Landberg of Spokane Valley, WA at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in June 2003 with a Fisher Gold Bug 2 metal detector at a depth
of 15 inches.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugrood_small5.5 Ounces
Found by
Otis Rood of Minnesota at Paradise Valley in the
1985 with a Garrett A.D.S. metal detector.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Dunlevy_small5.25 Ounces
Found by
Bill Dunlevy in a stream on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska in the 1995 with
a 5" suction dredge.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Geonug02_small3.75 Ounces
Found by George White at Moore Creek near
McGrath, Alaska in 2004 with a Minelab GP 3000 metal detector. This
nugget was found in a small berm of material pushed up by a bulldozer.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nughouston_small3.25 Ounces
Found by Steve Houston at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2002 with a White's Goldmaster GMT metal detector. This nugget
was found in material excavated to create a drainage ditch.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugtim_small2.99 Ounces
Found by Tim Haller at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2002 with a Minelab SD2100 metal detector. Tim found this
beauty just a couple hours before his week-long trip to Ganes Creek
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugpulling_small2.21 Ounces
Found by
John Pulling at Ganes Creek
near McGrath, Alaska in 2002 with a Fisher Gold Bug 2 metal detector.
This nugget was found in old bucketline cobble rows. John searched near a
pile of old cans others had passed by not wanting to dig junk and came
up with this nugget.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Lundine01_small2.14 Ounces
Found by Dennis Lundine at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2004 with a White's MXT metal detector with stock 950 coil.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugstv189_small1.89 Ounces
Found by
Steve Herschbach at Ganes
near McGrath, Alaska in 2002 with a White's Goldmaster GMT
metal detector. This nugget was found right in the main camp at Ganes
Creek in material excavated while digging a ditch.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nughill_small1.5 Ounces
Found by Ed
Hill at Paradise Valley
in 1999 with a Garrett Gold Stinger metal detector.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugbrus1.48 Ounces
Found by Fred Brust at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2002 with a Fisher Gold Strike metal detector.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Gw1_small1.3 Ounces
Found by
George White in the Innoko Mining District with a Minelab XT17000 metal
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Gw2_small1.2 Ounces
Found by
George White in the Fortymile Mining District in 2001 with a Minelab
XT17000 metal detector.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugbull_small1.11 Ounces
Bulldog Nugget" Found by Steve Herschbach at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2002 with a Fisher Gold Bug 2 metal detector. Steve has three
English Bulldogs, and this nugget reminded him of them.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Steve1oz_small1.0 Ounce
Found by
Steve Herschbach at Crow
in 1998 with a Keene 6" gold dredge.

Gold/Quartz Specimens Found in Alaska
Click on images for larger pictures

most commonly comes from quartz veins. Quartz is a very common,
glass-like mineral, and gold is often deposited as chunks and specks
enclosed within the quartz. As the quartz is crushed or decomposed by
erosion processes, the gold is released to become the nuggets and flakes
of gold found by miners. Sometimes large pieces of these quartz veins
are found with gold still enclosed... a future nugget waiting to be
released! These are not gold nuggets but are usually referred to as
gold/quartz specimens. There is no official definition but our
unofficial definition is that the item in question has to look like it
is mostly gold by a pretty good margin. At least 75% of the exposed
surface should be gold, not rock. In other words, is it a rock with gold
in it, or gold with rock in it?

These specimens are
actually rarer than gold nuggets, and prized by collectors as they
illustrate so well an answer to that commonly asked question "where does
gold come from"? If you have found or know of a gold/quartz specimen
over 1 ounce found in Alaska, please let us know at webmaster@akmining.com. We'd
like to add it to our list.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Th03_smallThe Howard Specimen - 87.95 Ounces
Found on Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2004 by Terry Howard with a metal detector.

Equipo que uso:
pasciencia y
Jose Antonio Agraz Sandov
Jose Antonio Agraz Sandov
Gran Experto del Foro
Gran Experto del Foro
Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 2892
Edad : 53
Localización : Acámbaro, Guanajuato, México
Frase Célebre : Sembrar un arbol, escribir un libro y tener un hijo, yo digo a esto encontrar un tesoro
Fecha de inscripción : 24/03/2009
Puntos : 9514

pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Empty Re: pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay

Miér 17 Mar 2010, 9:34 pm
Hola, creo que estas ya no son pepitas, son rocas de oro...

pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Escanear0002ef

pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Escanear0003nu
Experto del Foro
Experto del Foro
Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 351
Edad : 48
Localización : Guanajuato
Frase Célebre : En peores panteones me han dado las 12
Fecha de inscripción : 06/11/2009
Puntos : 5800

pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Empty Re: pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay

Dom 19 Dic 2010, 8:11 pm
en mexico ¿donde hay? segun se Sonora, chihuahua y coahuila
Hector Hugo Zavala
Hector Hugo Zavala
Identidad Certificada
Identidad Certificada
Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 1174
Edad : 45
Localización : Santa Maria California/LOS REYES MICHOACAN MEXICO
Fecha de inscripción : 11/09/2010
Puntos : 6783

pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Empty Re: pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay

Lun 20 Dic 2010, 12:17 pm
romel505 escribió:Alaska's Largest Gold Nuggets - The Top 20
Click on images for larger pictures
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug01_small#1 The Alaska Centennial Nugget - 294.10 Troy Ounces
The largest gold nugget ever found in
Alaska. It was found near Ruby, Alaska in 1998 by miner Barry Clay as
he operated his bulldozer. The nugget rolled off the pile of dirt ahead
of the bulldozer blade. This nugget was sold and the current location is
Photo Copyright 2001 by Marshall Ronne, Jr.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug02_small#2 The Anvil Nugget -
182 Troy Ounces
This nugget was found on Anvil Creek near Nome,
Alaska in 1903 by the Pioneer Mining Company. For almost 100 years it
stood as the largest nugget found in Alaska, until the nugget above was
found in 1998. The status of this nugget is unknown.
Colorized from
original b&w photo by Dobbs
Photo not yet
#3 Gold Nugget -
146 Troy Ounces
Found on the Hammond River near Wiseman, Alaska. The
status of this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#4 Gold Nugget -
137 Troy Ounces
Found on the Hammond River near Wiseman, Alaska. The
status of this nugget is unknown.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Bignug_small#5
The Ganes Nugget
- 122 Troy Ounces
Found on
Ganes Creek near
McGrath, Alaska in 1985 by Warren Magnuson's son Lloyd Magnuson while
commercial mining. This nugget is now owned by the Wiltz family.
Photo not yet
#6 Gold Nugget -
107 Troy Ounces
Found on Anvil Creek near Nome, Alaska. The status of
this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#7 Gold Nugget -
97 Troy Ounces
Found on Anvil Creek near Nome, Alaska. The status of
this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#8 Gold Nugget -
95 Troy Ounces
Found on Anvil Creek near Nome, Alaska. The status of
this nugget is unknown.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug09_small#9
The Heart of Gold
- 92 Troy Ounces
Found on
Glacier Creek near Kantishna, Alaska in August 1984 by Mic Martinek.
This nugget is still owned by Mr. Martinek and resides in a bank vault.
Photo not yet
#10 Gold Nugget -
84 Troy Ounces
Found on Anvil Creek near Nome, Alaska. The status of
this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#11 Gold Nugget -
81 Troy Ounces
Found on Fairbanks Creek near Tolovana, Alaska. The
status of this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#12 Gold Nugget -
73 Troy Ounces
Found on Dome Creek near Tolovana, Alaska. The status
of this nugget is unknown.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug13_small#13 Prospector's Dream - 62.5 Troy Ounces
According to Dollie Magnuson Nelson,
daughter of Warren Magnuson, this nugget was found on Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 1985 by Warren Magnuson and his son Ben. The nugget was found
while mining on a bench deposit. It's name is "Prospectors Dream" and
that season, the nugget and 1 troy ounce of gold was all that was found.
Dollie believes the Smithsonian owns it now. It was found in the same
area as - #5 The Ganes Nugget.
Photo not yet
#14 Gold Nugget -
61 Troy Ounces
Found on the Hammond River near Wiseman, Alaska. The
status of this nugget is unknown.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug15_small#15 The Jack Wade Nugget - 56.75 Troy Ounces
Found on Wade Creek near Chicken,
Alaska in August 1983 by the Jack Wade Gold Company.
This nugget is still owned by the Jack Wade Gold Company.
Photo not yet
#16 Gold Nugget -
56 Troy Ounces
Found on Dome Creek near Tolovana, Alaska. The status
of this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#17 Gold Nugget -
55 Troy Ounces
Found on the Hammond River near Wiseman, Alaska. The
status of this nugget is unknown.
Photo not yet
#18 Gold Nugget -
52 Troy Ounces
Found on Lucky Gulch, a tributary of Valdez Creek,
near Denali, Alaska. The status of this nugget is unknown.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug21_small#19
Gold Nugget
- 46 Troy Ounces
Found on Long
Creek near Ruby, Alaska. This nearly solid gold nugget is currently on
display in the Wells Fargo Bank at Helena, Montana.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nug19_small#20 The Silverado Nugget - 42 Troy Ounces
Found on Mary's Bench (Nolan Creek) near
Wiseman, Alaska in 1994 by Silverado
Gold Mines Ltd
. This nugget was sold to a collector in 2000 for
$50,000.00, according to Garry Anselmo, head of Silverado Gold Mines
Ltd. The nugget is now in Spain.
To see what kind of place produces large nuggets in
Alaska see the Ganes Creek

Nuggets Found in Alaska by Non-Commercial Operators
Click on images for larger pictures

is a list of nuggets found in Alaska by people not engaged in
commercial gold mining. If you have found or know of a nugget over 1
ounce found by an individual in Alaska not engaged in commercial mining,
please let us know at webmaster@akmining.com.
We'd like to add them to our list.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Sb1_small
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Sb2_small
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Burris_small
33.85 Ounces
Found June 16, 2004 at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska by Steve Burris of Idaho with a Fisher Gold Bug 2. The nugget was
found in an area where many others had detected, but all the previous
detectorists had missed the nugget. This may be the largest gold nugget
ever found in Alaska by a non-commercial operator. If anyone knows
otherwise, please let us know.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay 32oz_small32.2 Ounces
Found June
17, 2009 at Moore
near McGrath, Alaska by Ken Pitcher of Alaska with a Minelab
GPX-4500. The nugget was found in a tailing pile next to camp being
flattened out over time for metal detecting. The nugget was a bare
whisper and was found at a measured depth of 25 inches.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Ran2s_small

pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Davegary_small

"The NAC Nugget" Found by Dave Rankin at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2004 with a White's MXT metal detector. The nugget was found
at the end of the runway immediately after some bulldozer work was done
to lengthen the runway. This work was demanded by Northern Air Cargo
(NAC) to accommodate a landing by one of their cargo planes, so Dave
credits them with being a reason the nugget was found.
8 Ounces
Dave's nugget had a fresh
break on one end. A few weeks after Dave found the nugget, Gary Cox
located the other piece weighing just over 8 ounces. The nugget was
unfortunately broken when the bulldozer ran over it. The total weight
before it was broken was over 28 ounces.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugherbert_small8 Ounces
Found by Gale
Herbertson at Paradise
in 2000 with a Minelab Explorer XS metal detector.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nuglong_small7.65 Ounces
Found on
Granite Creek near McGrath with a metal detector. This nugget is
currently owned by Scott Long of Omaha, Nebraska.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugbob3_small5.81 Ounces
"The Goldfinger Nugget" Found
by Bob Estey at Ganes Creek
near McGrath, Alaska in 2002 with a White's V/SAT metal detector. Bob
found this nugget the same day he found the 5.62 ounce "Heartthrob"
nugget below!
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugrankin_small5.63 Ounces
Found by Dave Rankin at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2002 with a Fisher Gold Bug 2 metal detector. Dave went days
without finding any gold, and then located this nugget.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugbert_small5.6 Ounces
Found by
Bert Rattner of New York at Paradise Valley in the
1991. Bert saw the nugget resting on a rock in the water, the verified
it was gold with his Fisher 1266-X.
Photo by Jack Satkoski
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Landberg_small5.5 Ounces
Found by
Gordie Landberg of Spokane Valley, WA at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in June 2003 with a Fisher Gold Bug 2 metal detector at a depth
of 15 inches.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugrood_small5.5 Ounces
Found by
Otis Rood of Minnesota at Paradise Valley in the
1985 with a Garrett A.D.S. metal detector.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Dunlevy_small5.25 Ounces
Found by
Bill Dunlevy in a stream on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska in the 1995 with
a 5" suction dredge.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Geonug02_small3.75 Ounces
Found by George White at Moore Creek near
McGrath, Alaska in 2004 with a Minelab GP 3000 metal detector. This
nugget was found in a small berm of material pushed up by a bulldozer.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nughouston_small3.25 Ounces
Found by Steve Houston at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2002 with a White's Goldmaster GMT metal detector. This nugget
was found in material excavated to create a drainage ditch.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugtim_small2.99 Ounces
Found by Tim Haller at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2002 with a Minelab SD2100 metal detector. Tim found this
beauty just a couple hours before his week-long trip to Ganes Creek
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugpulling_small2.21 Ounces
Found by
John Pulling at Ganes Creek
near McGrath, Alaska in 2002 with a Fisher Gold Bug 2 metal detector.
This nugget was found in old bucketline cobble rows. John searched near a
pile of old cans others had passed by not wanting to dig junk and came
up with this nugget.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Lundine01_small2.14 Ounces
Found by Dennis Lundine at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2004 with a White's MXT metal detector with stock 950 coil.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugstv189_small1.89 Ounces
Found by
Steve Herschbach at Ganes
near McGrath, Alaska in 2002 with a White's Goldmaster GMT
metal detector. This nugget was found right in the main camp at Ganes
Creek in material excavated while digging a ditch.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nughill_small1.5 Ounces
Found by Ed
Hill at Paradise Valley
in 1999 with a Garrett Gold Stinger metal detector.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugbrus1.48 Ounces
Found by Fred Brust at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2002 with a Fisher Gold Strike metal detector.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Gw1_small1.3 Ounces
Found by
George White in the Innoko Mining District with a Minelab XT17000 metal
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Gw2_small1.2 Ounces
Found by
George White in the Fortymile Mining District in 2001 with a Minelab
XT17000 metal detector.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Nugbull_small1.11 Ounces
Bulldog Nugget" Found by Steve Herschbach at Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2002 with a Fisher Gold Bug 2 metal detector. Steve has three
English Bulldogs, and this nugget reminded him of them.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Steve1oz_small1.0 Ounce
Found by
Steve Herschbach at Crow
in 1998 with a Keene 6" gold dredge.

Gold/Quartz Specimens Found in Alaska
Click on images for larger pictures

most commonly comes from quartz veins. Quartz is a very common,
glass-like mineral, and gold is often deposited as chunks and specks
enclosed within the quartz. As the quartz is crushed or decomposed by
erosion processes, the gold is released to become the nuggets and flakes
of gold found by miners. Sometimes large pieces of these quartz veins
are found with gold still enclosed... a future nugget waiting to be
released! These are not gold nuggets but are usually referred to as
gold/quartz specimens. There is no official definition but our
unofficial definition is that the item in question has to look like it
is mostly gold by a pretty good margin. At least 75% of the exposed
surface should be gold, not rock. In other words, is it a rock with gold
in it, or gold with rock in it?

These specimens are
actually rarer than gold nuggets, and prized by collectors as they
illustrate so well an answer to that commonly asked question "where does
gold come from"? If you have found or know of a gold/quartz specimen
over 1 ounce found in Alaska, please let us know at webmaster@akmining.com. We'd
like to add it to our list.
pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Th03_smallThe Howard Specimen - 87.95 Ounces
Found on Ganes Creek near McGrath,
Alaska in 2004 by Terry Howard with a metal detector.


Hector Hugo Zavala
Hector Hugo Zavala
Identidad Certificada
Identidad Certificada
Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 1174
Edad : 45
Localización : Santa Maria California/LOS REYES MICHOACAN MEXICO
Fecha de inscripción : 11/09/2010
Puntos : 6783

pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay Empty Re: pepitas de oro en Alaska,y aqui en mexico tambien hay

Lun 20 Dic 2010, 12:22 pm


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